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A member registered Nov 14, 2017

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(1 edit)

All right this time there is now way it is my mistake. I took out a loan (because my last 2 cpus sold like hot trash) and I researched 2 mhz, made cpu with it, and it got the same exact reviews as the last two I made and sold way worse. It also is telling me I own 100 % of the market but only have a 1.26 popularity rating. None of my CPUs are doing well and there are no other companies on the market. I think my game is bugged and it is sorta frustrating. I then went to easy mode and the beginning played well again but then out of the blue I would continuously get diminishing returns even with constant upgrades and I was the only company on the market again. I am so confused.

oops I forgot to check sorry, love the game though. I am excited to see this game fully fleshed out!

I don't know, but I am pretty sure I set it to 175 like always but it doesn't really matter.

I was playing and got pretty far, than something started selling really well but it was selling in reverse and taking money from me. was this punishment for playing for 1 hour straight or a glitch? Or is it just your version of a "stop here I didn't make this yet."